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a bit about me:

I am Miao Yu (于淼). I got my B.Sc. degree of Electronic and Information System in Shandong University at 2007 (GPA: 3.8/4.3).  I got my M.Sc degree (with Distinction) in Digital Communication Systems in Loughborough University at 2008. Then I continued my PhD study related to applying the machine learning and computer vision techniques for the fall detection of elderly people, with Prof. Jonathon Chambers. After that, I worked as a research associated in the Aeronautical and Automative Department, Loughborough University for the EPSRC funded research project--"Signal Processing Solutions in a Networked Battlespace". Currently I am a lecturer in the School of Computer Science, University of Lincoln.

My research interests cover a wide range of subjects in information extraction and processing algorithms, computer science and related areas. I am interested in implementing/developing theoretical algorithms in statistical signal processing, image/video processing, machine learning, pattern recognition and data/knowledge modelling. With specific application areas, I am interested in objects detection and tracking, situation awareness, surveillance, autonomous decision making, abnormal detection and target behaviour analysis related to different application scenarios (such as health care and intelligent transportation system).




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